How Do You Reset A Disposal Motor?

If you’ve ever found yourself standing in front of a faulty disposal motor, unsure of how to fix the problem, worry no more. In this article, you will discover the simple steps to resetting a disposal motor, allowing you to get it up and running again in no time. Whether it’s a jammed motor or a stubborn blockage that’s causing the issue, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and learn how you can reset a disposal motor with ease.


Understanding Disposal Motors

What is a disposal motor?

A disposal motor, also known as a garbage disposal motor or a waste disposal motor, is a motorized component that powers the blades in a garbage disposal unit. It is responsible for shredding and grinding waste food particles, allowing them to flow easily through your plumbing system.

How does a disposal motor work?

The disposal motor works by using rotating blades to chop up food waste into small pieces. When you turn on the garbage disposal, the motor spins the blades at a high speed, allowing the waste to be effectively shredded. The shredded particles can then be flushed down the drain with water, preventing them from causing clogs in your pipes.

Common problems with disposal motors

Like any mechanical device, disposal motors can encounter issues over time. Some common problems include motor jams, obstructions in the unit, or a motor that fails to turn on at all. These problems can be frustrating, but with a little troubleshooting, you can often resolve them easily. In the following sections, we will discuss how to identify and troubleshoot disposal motor issues.

Identifying the Reset Button

Locating the disposal motor

Before you can reset the disposal motor, you need to locate it. In most cases, the motor is housed underneath the sink, attached to the bottom of the garbage disposal unit. It is typically a cylindrical-shaped component with wires connected to it.

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Finding the reset button

The reset button is an important feature on disposal motors. It acts as a safety mechanism and can help resolve motor-related problems. To find the reset button, look for a small red or black button on the bottom or side of the motor. It may be recessed, so you may need to feel around for it. Once you locate the reset button, you are ready to proceed with resetting the disposal motor.

Resetting the Disposal Motor

Unplugging the disposal unit

Before attempting to reset the motor, it is important to ensure your safety by unplugging the disposal unit from its power source. This will prevent any accidental activation of the motor during the resetting process. To unplug the unit, simply locate the power cord and disconnect it from the electrical outlet.

Looking for obstructions or jams

If your disposal motor is not functioning properly, it may be due to an obstruction or a jam. Before resetting the motor, visually inspect the disposal unit for any foreign objects or food particles that may be blocking the blades or impeding their movement. Gently remove any visible obstructions using long-handled tongs or pliers.

Resetting the unit using the reset button

Once you have unplugged the disposal unit and cleared any obstructions, it’s time to reset the motor. Locate the reset button, press it firmly, and hold it down for a few seconds. This will reset the motor and may resolve the issue causing it to malfunction. After releasing the reset button, plug the disposal unit back in and test its functionality.

Resetting the unit manually

In some cases, the reset button may not be enough to reset the disposal motor. If this is the case, you can try manually resetting the unit. To do this, locate the small hex-shaped hole on the bottom of the disposal motor. Insert an Allen wrench or a hex key into the hole and rotate it back and forth a few times. This should manually free up any jammed components and reset the motor. After manually resetting the unit, plug it back in and test it.

Testing the Motor

Plugging the disposal unit

After resetting the disposal motor, it is important to plug the unit back into the electrical outlet. This will provide power to the motor and allow you to test its functionality.

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Checking if the motor is running

To check if the motor is running, turn on the water and flip the switch or press the button that activates the garbage disposal. Listen for the sound of the motor running, indicating that it is functioning properly. If you do not hear the motor running, there may still be an issue that needs to be addressed.

Listening for unusual noises

While the disposal motor is running, pay attention to any unusual noises. Grinding or scraping sounds could indicate a problem with the blades or other components. If you hear unusual noises, it may be necessary to further investigate or seek professional assistance.

Observing the disposal unit’s performance

As the motor runs and the blades spin, observe how well the disposal unit is grinding and disposing of food waste. If the unit appears to be struggling or if waste particles are not being effectively shredded, there may be an underlying issue that requires attention.

Additional Troubleshooting

Cleaning the disposal unit

Regular cleaning of the disposal unit can help prevent motor issues and keep the unit running smoothly. To clean the unit, turn it off and unplug it. Use a long-handled brush or a disposal cleaning tool to scrub the inside of the unit, removing any buildup or residue. Rinse it thoroughly with water before plugging it back in.

Checking the power supply

If the disposal motor is still not functioning properly after resetting and cleaning, it may be worthwhile to check the power supply. Make sure the electrical outlet is working by testing it with another device. Additionally, inspect the power cord for any signs of damage or fraying. If there are any issues with the power supply, it may be necessary to call a professional electrician to resolve them.

Inspecting the wiring connections

Faulty wiring connections can also cause problems with the disposal motor. If you are comfortable working with electrical components, you can inspect the wiring connections to ensure they are secure and properly attached. However, if you are unsure or inexperienced, it is recommended to seek assistance from a qualified professional to avoid any potential electrical hazards.

Calling a professional

If you have tried all the troubleshooting steps and the disposal motor is still not working correctly, it may be time to call a professional plumber or appliance repair technician. They will have the expertise and specialized tools to diagnose and repair any complex issues with the disposal motor or the entire unit.

Maintenance Tips

Regular cleaning and maintenance

To keep your disposal motor in good working condition, it is important to incorporate regular cleaning and maintenance into your routine. Clean the unit at least once a month by following the cleaning steps mentioned earlier. Additionally, be mindful of any unusual smells coming from the unit and address them promptly by using natural deodorizers like baking soda or citrus peels.

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Avoiding certain food waste

While disposal motors are designed to handle a wide range of food waste, there are some items that should be avoided to prevent damage or clogs. Avoid putting large bones, fibrous vegetables (such as celery or artichokes), coffee grounds, and grease or oil down the disposal unit. These items can cause blockages or damage to the motor over time.

Using the disposal unit correctly

Proper usage of the disposal unit can also contribute to its longevity. Always run cold water while operating the disposal to help solidify any greasy or fatty waste, allowing it to be more easily chopped up by the blades. Avoid overloading the unit with large quantities of food waste all at once, as this can strain the motor and increase the chances of a malfunction.

Preventing Future Issues

Avoiding overloading the disposal unit

To avoid straining the disposal motor and prevent future issues, it is important to avoid overloading the unit with excessive amounts of food waste. Instead, feed the waste gradually into the unit, allowing the motor to effectively process each batch.

Being cautious with hard or fibrous materials

Hard materials like bones or pits should be avoided as they can damage the disposal motor’s blades. Fibrous materials, such as corn husks or onion skins, can become tangled in the motor and cause jams. It is best to dispose of these items in alternative ways, such as composting or disposing them in the trash.

Using cold water when operating the disposal unit

Always use cold water when running the disposal unit. Cold water helps solidify greasy waste, preventing it from sticking to the blades or clogging the pipes. Avoid using hot water as it can melt fats and contribute to clogs in the plumbing system.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Resetting the disposal motor multiple times

While resetting the disposal motor once is often sufficient to resolve minor issues, repeatedly resetting it is not recommended. If the motor continues to malfunction after a reset, it may indicate a more significant problem that requires professional attention.

Using chemicals to reset the motor

Chemicals should never be used to reset a disposal motor. They can cause damage to the motor or other components and may pose a safety risk. Stick to the proper resetting methods outlined earlier to avoid further complications.

Hitting the disposal unit to fix it

Hitting or banging on the disposal unit is never a recommended troubleshooting method. This can cause further damage to the motor or other parts, leading to more expensive repairs. Stick to the safe and proper methods discussed earlier to address any disposal motor issues.


Understanding how to reset a disposal motor is essential for maintaining a well-functioning and efficient garbage disposal unit. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently troubleshoot and address common disposal motor problems. Remember to always prioritize your safety by unplugging the unit before attempting any resets or repairs. With proper maintenance and responsible usage, your disposal motor can provide years of reliable service, effectively disposing of your food waste and keeping your kitchen clean and functional.